
TechSupportDog: Meh. Maybe we shouldn't draw your requests... >>>
TechSupportDog: ( 'v' )/ Thanks for uploading this! >>>
TechSupportDog: Question's super popular! He got 2 birthday rooms.... >>>
TechSupportDog: 2good4me >>>
TechSupportDog: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD: >>>
TechSupportDog: Hnnngggggggggg >>>
TechSupportDog: 2cool2me >>>
TechSupportDog: D'awww Little Jahny >>>
TechSupportDog: Happy birthday! :D :D >>>
TechSupportDog: No problem! I'm glad you like it! :D >>>
TechSupportDog: God damn it. TechDogSupport Pillow. Why'd I typo... >>>
TechSupportDog: AAARGH sorry I couldn't finish it. :( >>>
TechSupportDog: SO GOOD. Keep going. >>>
TechSupportDog: Merry Christmas! I'll try to sew the head back... >>>
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