
Rorikon: jihadi john? das mah nigga >>>
Rorikon: nice 1 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8 >>>
Rorikon: its like you're an artist or something >>>
Rorikon: anti pls cum back i miss u >>>
Rorikon: could use a few more tags >>>
Rorikon: </3 >>>
Rorikon: :3 >>>
Rorikon: +1 >>>
Rorikon: Is flock down? :[ >>>
Rorikon: the clam is fucking the starfish though >>>
Rorikon: go on... >>>
Rorikon: dat cliffhanger >>>
Rorikon: ily T_G :3 >>>
Rorikon: what am i looking at? >>>
Rorikon: neat >>>
Rorikon: you seem upset >>>
Rorikon: much better version >>>
Rorikon: anyone else unable to connect? :c >>>
Rorikon: mai art >>>
Rorikon: O.O dear god! >>>
Rorikon: dafuq? >>>
Rorikon: daayum son >>>
Rorikon: Wut, you are a beast >>>
Rorikon: Was banned because of my connection, i had no idea... >>>
Rorikon: needs moar >>>
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